My 2021 in review

My 2021 in review
Photo by Ryan Stone / Unsplash

First of all, Happy New Year 2022 to you.

The year 2021 is gone and I reflect on myself and how this year was. 2021 was an eventful year for me both at personal and professional level.

As I recall the major milestones from last year I would call following(not in a particular order) as my achievements in the year gone by:

Survived 2021

Surviving another year in these uncertain times is definitely the biggest achievement.

Adopted 2 puppies

This is an absolute new experience for me. I feed the stray dogs but never though that I would adopt two (not even one) from the streets.
I feed their mother and we fell in love with the puppies since the day they were born.
I named them Gulab & Jamun after a popular Indian sweet 😊.

Gulab(Right) and Jamun(Left)

Got promoted at work

I was promoted to Associate Manager level from Team Lead. Follow me on LinkedIn if you are not already and say hello.

Completed 10+ certifications

These certifications belong to different technologies like Azure, PowerPlatform, and Security. Here is the list of certification badges earned in last year.

Contribution to devleoper community

I couldn't contribute much to this blog and it is definitely going to change in 2022.

GitHub: I have few repositories on GitHub that people appreciated and used in their project.

StackOverflow: There were some answers from me those were hit and it helped other developers on StackOverflow. They helped me reach 3k+ reputation and earn some badges.

I pledge to contribute much more this year.

These were my top 5 achievements from year 2021. Please share in comments what were yours.